Phase One Treatment

Phase one treatment can help your child avoid lifelong orthodontic issues. Get a head start on orthodontic health today!

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Waiting too long for orthodontic care can result in a multitude of issues. Whether your teeth are growing in the wrong way, you’re developing an underbite or overbite, or your mouth is just too small, waiting too long to see an orthodontist can result in future issues.

These issues can be both painful and inconvenient in future life. 

This is why here at Emily Funk Orthodontics, we offer phase one treatment. Phase one treatment refers to orthodontic treatment given to children before they hit their teenage years.

This preemptive treatment allows for Dr. Funk to catch certain issues that may affect both dental and skeletal development. 

So what is phase one treatment? What can it help with? Keep reading below to find out!

Stopping Problems Before They Start

Phase one treatment, also known as interceptive orthodontics, will allow Dr. Funk to create a plan and guide your child to healthy dental and skeletal development. The mission of phase one treatment is to catch potential problems before they progress and create issues for your child in the future. 

The American Association of Orthodontics recommends that children visit an orthodontist at the age of seven. During this visit, Dr. Funk will screen for certain orthodontic conditions that may need to be addressed. While many people think of orthodontists as just dealing with braces, that is not the case.

During this initial screening, Dr. Funk will be able to see how your child’s mouth and teeth are growing, and if they are growing correctly. Conducting a screening so early can help both you and your child get a jumpstart on treatment that they might need further down the road. 

In addition to catching and treating early developmental problems, phase one treatment offers future benefits. Phase one treatment can provide stable long term results, improved speech, and less potential damage to your child’s teeth.

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A Proactive Approach to Orthodontic Health

While phase one treatment can be used to prevent future problems from occurring with your child’s mouth and teeth, it can also be used to fix problems that your child is currently having as well. If your child is developing conditions like overbite, or harmful habits such as thumb sucking, phase one treatment can help correct these issues. 

In fact, phase one treatment can help with:

  • Crossbite
  • Open Bite
  • Underbite
  • Overbite
  • Finger Sucking Habits
  • Early Tooth Loss
  • Impacted Teeth
  • Narrow Arches

Rather than letting the mouth and teeth develop with these conditions, phase one treatment takes a proactive approach. In addition to fixing potential issues that may arise out of these conditions, preemptive treatment like phase one can help your child be more comfortable as their mouth and teeth continue to develop.

Connect With Us Today!

Is your child nearing the age where phase one treatment is recommended? Don’t wait, get started today.

Phase one treatment can treat current orthodontic issues as well as prevent future conditions. 

To get started with phase one treatment, connect with us today.

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