Invisalign® FAQ

Invisalign® is a series of clear aligners custom made for you. Each aligner set has a small amount of movement in it to gradually move your teeth with time. Some light soreness is normal, but most patients generally find Invisalign® treatment more comfortable than traditional braces. You’ll change your trays every 7-14 days, depending on your treatment, so the movement is gentle.

Invisalign® is designed to be worn 20-22 hours per day. This means you should remove your aligners only to eat, drink anything other than water, and brush your teeth. Patients who wear their Invisalign® consistently will get the quickest and best results.

Everyone’s treatment is unique and Dr. Funk will come up with an individualized treatment plan just for you. Most patients will come see us every 6-12 weeks, depending on their treatment. But, you are always more than welcome to schedule an appointment with us if you have any questions or concerns throughout treatment. 

Because your aligners are removable, you can brush and floss as normal. For the most part, you can eat normally. We just ask that you avoid very hard foods to prevent damage to your Invisalign® attachments. 

You should brush your teeth before putting your aligners back in your mouth. This will keep them as clean as possible. However, we also recommend using cleaning tablets, a toothbrush/toothpaste, or dish soap to keep your aligners looking their best.

Invisalign® attachments are tooth-colored shapes we will bond to select teeth during your treatment. Think of these attachments like a handle on a door–they help the aligners grab on to the teeth so that the tooth movements happen more predictably. Once your treatment is complete, these attachments are removed. 

Your teeth will always want to go back to their original position. In order to maintain your investment, we recommend wearing a retainer at night. Treatment at Emily Funk Orthodontics always includes a retainer to preserve your excellent results.

Invisalign® can solve many orthodontic issues for kids and teens! The treatment works the same way as adult Invisalign®, with patients changing their trays every 1-2 weeks. 

View our Invisalign® use and care instructions

One Doctor, One Location

Our office is small, and we like it that way! The team at Emily Funk Orthodontics is dedicated to personalized attention for all of our patients. The focus is always on you at our Chester Springs location.

Flexible Financing

We understand that orthodontic treatment is an investment. Our team will work with you to develop a payment plan tailored to your unique situation.

Convenient Care

Your time is valuable. We offer text and email communication, online scheduling, and virtual appointments to deliver quality care that fits your busy schedule.

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